Literature Shop

How to order books

Choose one of the titles below and add it to your cart. When in the checkout select your local region so we know where you’re ordering from.

For Healing Within Our Alcoholic Relationships (P-95) our newest booklet (it arrived late November 2024), go to ‘Workbooks’

P-24/27 Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual 2022-2025


a book cover image for (B-34) A Little Time for Myself


(P-64) Alateens 4th Step Inventory


The Concepts of Al Anon (P-57)


Al Anon Family Groups provide free downloadable guides and pamphlets

Free Downloads

Spring Special (2024) one bundle, two items


Find Healing With Our Alcoholic Relationships (the new booklet), PLUS our 2024 Spring Special, here!

Image of the pamphlet cover for Information for the Newcomer. It's a vertical rectangle with a bright yellow background with a wave pattern across it. The text "Information for the Newcomer" in a dark grey is at the top of the pamphelet and the text "Recovery" followed on the line down by "Al-Anon Family Groups - Help and hope for familites and friends of alcoholics" is across the bottom of the pamphelet.

Public Information

Conflict Resolution Kit (K-17)


How Al-Anon Works: For Families & Friends of Alcoholics (B-22)


Alcoholism Can Tear a Family Apart (small) - (M-34)


Al Anon Family Groups Reprints - Sponsorship exerpt


About Our Literature

Since its founding in 1951, Al-Anon Family Groups has published more than 100 books and pamphlets that share a single purpose: to help family and friends recover from the effects of someone else’s drinking.

Our literature supplements the face-to-face meetings where Al-Anon members share their insights and experiences with each other. Literature is only one tool of the Al-Anon program. Al-Anon and Alateen literature is most fully understood when used in conjunction with regular attendance at meetings, and phone calls in between meetings.

Books and pamphlets can definitely strengthen your recovery, but cannot substitute for the help and healing that takes place at Al-Anon meetings as the basis of a complete recovery program.